Four Ways to Help

Dear all

Thank you for your support – One Dulwich is growing very fast, and we now have more than 250 supporters. Let’s keep going. 

Four ways to help, please:

1) Increase support for One Dulwich

We believe the only way to make Southwark Council listen is to grow into an even larger body of people – such a huge crowd of opposition that the Council can no longer ignore us. Please contact five people this weekend who haven’t yet joined up (by text, phone, email, WhatsApp, socially distanced chat – whatever you can think of) and persuade them to become supporters via We are making a note of all your kind offers of practical support. If you need to contact us, please email us on

2) Object to the closure of Dulwich Village junction

It looks as if the closure will be happening on 25 June through an Experimental Traffic Management Order. If so, we have a right to make objections that the Council must consider now and at any time leading up to the six-month review. We will let you know when we are planning the next round of objections, but you can make your views known at any time by emailing, copying in and The closure must not become permanent.

3) Get involved in citizen science

As you know from reading, the Council hasn’t got a good track record of providing reliable data. To help us understand increases in congestion and pollution after the junction closes, we need to record some reliable baseline measurements of journey times for motor vehicles (i) before (ii) immediately after and (iii) some months after the junction closes. If you make regular car journeys and can help with this, please see ‘Benchmark measurements – pre-closure car travel times’ in the Research section, and get in touch with Alex.

4) Twitter

The Twitter @OneDulwich Twitter account was taken in May. So we have just set up @RealOneDulwich. Please follow, comment and retweet.